A top quality Baking Powder Leavened Doughnut,,Should have a bold golden appearance, soft and short eating and also provide excellent keeping qualities.,,The standard recipe only requires the addition of Water,,BAKELS GOLDEN CAKE DOUGHNUT MIX gives the best possible combination of these properties,,BAKELS GOLDEN CAKE DOUGHNUT MIX produces Doughnuts as well as Belgium Waffles with excellent flavour profile.,,While warm, coat with a combination of Cinnamon and Castor Sugar or cool and dip in prepared flavours using both Apito flavouring Pastes and NZB SUPERFINE FONDANT.,,Bakels Golden Cake Doughnuts mixed with BAKELS CHOCOLATE, HAZELNUT or WHITE TRUFFLE mixes offer further opportunities to promote high class finishing techniques.,,Bakels Golden Cake Doughnuts can also be dusted with FIL-O-FINE DUSTING SUGAR