Place all ingredients in spiral mixer. Use cold water approx. 5¡C. Mix for 7 minutes on slow then 10 minutes on fast until dough is fully developed. Final dough temperature 25¡C. Rest in oiled container for 60 minutes (cover container with lid or plastic). Divide into 450g dough pieces and mould gently like a baguette. Place dough pieces on trays. Dry proof for 45-50 minutes until dough is fully proofed. Cover rack with plastic to avoid drying of dough skin. Using a sieve dust with rye flour and cut 3 times. Preheat oven to 245¡ /220¡C.bottom. Once dough is placed into the oven reduce temperature to 220¡ / 200¡C.bottom. Use ample of steam. Bake for 35 minutes. Open vent after 15 minutes. Product should have a crusty golden brown crust.
Using bakers percentages - Percentages on white flour weight. If using Compressed Yeast use 200g in above recipe.