INSTANT KRAMESS is a complete cold swelling custard mix, which is prepared simply by whisking with cold water.,,The simplicity of use eliminates the necessity of preparing custards by the boiled method using milk.,,INSTANT KRAMESS custard has a fairly firm consistency and very pleasing eating qualities. However there are many uses and advantages with the custard, which are frequently overlooked.,,INSTANT KRAMESS custard is both heat and freeze/thaw stable. Therefore it can be successfully used for Danish Pastries and any other lines which are baked after initial preparation. Desserts or tarts where piped custard is used can be frozen without fear of custard breakdown. ,,INSTANT KRAMESS is also often added to buttercream or fresh cream to provide a smooth mouth feel and excellent flavour. ,,Custard prepared from INSTANT KRAMESS is excellent for piping and decoration as it sets firmly and holds well.,,We recommend you consider all the alternative uses for INSTANT KRAMESS before you put the bag back on the shelf.